You knew it was coming
It was only a matter of time.
The AP reports that Twitch game streaming will come to the Xbox One just in time for Titanfall’s launch, this March 11. From then, just like with your PS4, you’ll be able to send your live gameplay into the internet for all to see.
You’ll also be able to include Twitch chat in your streams, and the whole thing works with Xbox One’s Kinect camera, of course.
The PS4 version only allows viewing of other PS4 streamers on Twitch. Microsoft wanted something more, which is why they say we had to wait. With Xbox One’s Twitch integration you’ll be able to join games with broadcasters, start broadcasts with voice commands, and archive game clips. And yes, you’ll even be able to watch PS4 streams on Xbox One.
“That’s a very certain type of experience,” said Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s vice president of marketing and strategy for Xbox. “For us, we thought that was too limiting for what our fans would want. Our fans really want the full next-gen service, so that’s why we decided to take our time, do it right and have it come out in this fashion.”