It’s okay, they were willing volunteers
Microsoft celebrated the release of Rise of the Tomb Raider by challenging eight Lara Croft fans to survive 24 hours on a billboard while being mullered by brutal weather conditions.
Of the thousands of applicants, just eight were selected to feature in the ‘Survival of the Grittiest’ challenge, which saw the contestants strung up on the billboard in London, UK, and then pummelled with snow, icy winds, wild snowstorms and sudden, intense heat.
Having lasted an incredible 20 hours, it was railway engineer Adam Carr who walked (well, hobbled) away as the winner. I have no idea what he won beyond immense bragging rights, but for his sake, I hope it was worth it.
In our Rise of the Tomb Raider review, we said that it is “better than its predecessor, but only because of its additions; it doesn’t fix any of the things that were wrong with Tomb Raider (2013).”
“It’s not about “survival” as billed, given the ease of mowing down dozens of folks and plenty of resources. But finding tombs wherein to clamber about ancient Rube Goldberg machines, coupled with the gorgeous visual flair and diverse environments, make Rise‘s wilderness one worth exploring and elevate Tomb Raider‘s otherwise perfunctory take on the third-person action platformer.”