Win a code to download the Brutal Legend demo! (Update)

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Guess what? A demo for Double Fine’s Brutal Legend is available today on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network. That’s the good news. But the bad news is for those who didn’t pre-order the game. See, only customers who’ve pre-order the game through GameStop can get it now. Everyone else has to wait until September 24, 2009. Brutal. 

Well, not so fast! We have a few extra codes — two (2) for Xbox 360 and three (3) for PlayStation 3 — and we want to give them away. How do you win? Easy. Simply respond to this post with the comment “I’m brutal! \m/” and what console you want it on, and tomorrow morning we’ll randomly select the winners. Simple!

We’ll accept entries through midnight, East Coast time. After that, you’re just wasting your breath. Oh, and one more thing — codes are only valid for those in the United States. We’re sorry, but that’s what we’ve got, so no point in bitching about it in the comments. Good luck!

[Update: Winners have been notified and have all received his or her codes — you know who you are! Congratulations.]

About The Author
Nick Chester
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