Going my way?
Do you want to get the fuck out of this town? I sure do. But while needs must and pandemics keep me under lock and key, I’ll settle for living vicariously through the escapism of Digixart’s upcoming adventure Road 96, currently in development for PC.
Set against the backdrop of 1990s Petria – a desert county currently under authoritarian rule – Road 96 is a graphic adventure that will task the player with getting out of town and out of the state, in a wild run for the border by any means necessary. Out on the endless winding highways and rundown rest-stops, players will meet an array of unique characters, making moment-to-moment decisions to stay one step ahead of the authorities, one step away from danger, and one step closer to freedom.
The procedurally generated adventure offers thousands of routes out of Petria, each one littered with strange encounters, terrifying adversaries, and well-traveled companions. With a narrative spun by the creators of dramatic titles Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold, chances are that Road 96 will be an emotionally evocative journey to remember, whichever path you take. Just remember, if you pass Rutger Hauer… maybe just keep on rolling.
Road 96 is currently in development for PC and scheduled to launch in 2021.