Wii Rowing device is all sorts of magically dumb

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Look, I think we all get it. There is a good chance that gamers, more than the general population, is made up of fatties. And you know what? C’est la vie! I say if anyone wants to lose some weight or become healthier, there are some mature, grown-up ways of going about this. For example, I am eating a chicken and broccoli Lean Pocket right now. It is cheesy and delicious. See, there are options for everything.

What you see above, this in my very humble opinion, is not exactly the best way to go about losing weight. It’s called the … uh … Rowing Machine for Wii designed to support Wii Fit Plus, Wit Sports Resort, and Julian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 and 2010(!). It even cradles the MotionPlus! How very exciting.

Doug and Julie are clearly pretty stoked about this. I’m less so. I think I would rather have my “pricey gym membership” over this little contraption. Sure, I suspect there are plenty of people who would be into this, but c’mon. It’s just a normal cheap rowing device with Wii crap slapped on. Like everything health related, it’ll take more than this to lose weight and be healthier, like Lean Pockets.

Wii Rowing Machine: Like a Regular Rowing Machine, but More Gimmicky [Gizmodo]

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Ben Perlee
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