Share your stories with the Dtoid community
[All week long we’ll be asking for your thoughts on certain topics related to the year in gaming!]
2013 added some amazing new characters to our medium, but it also brought with it some serious stinkers. Annoying (and unwanted) co-op sidekicks, painful reimaginings of fan favorites from generations past, MERLENDERL — the list goes on.
The object of my personal disaffection had to be Carver from Dead Space 3. The simple addition of an optional co-op character to one of my favorite horror series didn’t turn out to be the harbinger I had worried it would be, but the design of said character couldn’t have been much worse if they actively tried. Loud, brash, and full of the same grating military-FPS bravado I play games like Dead Space to avoid, I cringed every time Carver popped up on screen and the game didn’t let me put a Plasma Cutter shot through his one good eye.
What about you? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below! Or, if you find yourself getting long-winded, write a blog! (Be sure to share the link below.) We’ll be pulling in quotes from the community for a special recap post later this week, so take some time to think about your responses.
Have fun!