Which of these looks most like Mii?

Asking the tough questions

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There are a lot of weird quirks brought about by existence. One of them is that we all exist in varying relationship to other people, particularly larger than life figures. But larger than life figures aren’t even exempt. As a kid, I confused Patrick Swayze and Kurt Russell. I’ve seen people on Twitter confusing American Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz with Grandpa Munster and the Pokemon Muk.

Dale North always said you should never tell someone they look like someone else (a celebrity, most likely), and I agree. It’s uncanny at best, insulting at worst. My supposed doppelgangers have spanned Michael Sheen, John Lennon, Charlie Day, Peter Frampton, and Bret McKenzie. Some of you will undoubtedly comment, “You know, I do see some of [one of ’em, or someone else, hopefully Idris Elba].”

It’s a weird thing but one of the ways we exist is as people see us, and that can be in relation to other people. Oh what a tangled web, etc. And so here we are, a lot of preamble for me asking you folks (further degrees of separation, let’s get wild!) which of my friends made the most accurate Mii of me? (Yes, I just got a Wii U).

Interestingly, they all picked the same hair, because I am a disheveled mess who has been saying, “I should get a haircut” since Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then a trip I took, then GDC. Months.

For reference, if my lil’ avatar isn’t enough: it me, it me, it me.






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Steven Hansen
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