Which games are you hiding with the latest Steam Beta update?

Coping with bad decisions

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Where do you hide your pile of shame? If you’re anything like me it’s probably along some dusty, untraveled road on a moonless night, a quart of Evan Williams in your coat pocket, your trusty shovel in one hand and a newly-purchased sack of lime thrown over your shoulder. Ready to get things done.  

However, in the Brave New World of Digital Rights Management, where can we hide our dirty little secrets? No matter how hard you try, every time you open up Steam, there it is, looking at you: That Game. You know, the one you bought after a few too many shots of NyQuil. Or that one you could have sworn was a completely different game when you saw footage of it during E3. 

So, what will you be hiding thanks to the latest Steam Beta update? Check the gallery below for a step-by-step of how I hid my shame.

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Rob Morrow
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