Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

whatcha been playing guilty gear baiken

The Final Countdown

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We’re approaching mid-December already. Yowzers. I don’t know about you, but I have plenty to take care of before 2022 comes stumbling over the porch. I won’t waste your time with it all, but it involves (minor) healthcare stuff, some i’s to dot and t’s to cross, and perhaps even the very minor act of moving house. Stick the Holiday obligations on top of that, plus the general daily work routine, and it’s going to be a hectic few weeks. This is a hectic time of year for pretty much everyone, and the current climate isn’t helping all that much. But I’ve got this, you’ve got this. we’ve all got this. Just keep the ball rolling, don’t set yourself too many timed goals, and tackle the jobs one at a time. Also, treat yourself. DO IT.

Whatcha Been Playing? I haven’t played a ton of games this week. I wound the years back to bounce around Clockwork Aquario, I got my gal Juri up a tier on Street Fighter V, and I dipped back into Guilty Gear — shaking off the rust in preparation for Baiken, who joins the roster in January 2022. My review schedule is pretty much clear for the rest of the month, although Game of The Year duties beckon. I wonder if you have picked your favorites yet? I’m looking forward to finding out all of your thoughts in the coming weeks — either in the Cblogs, in our GOTY articles, or right here in our Whatcha Been Playing? gatherings. Do it however it works for you. Ain’t Nobody Gonna Tell You How to Live.

Anywhooooo… I hope that you all have a happy and restful weekend. Thanks for stopping by and for your awesome comments last week, (all 250 of ’em!). Be sure to drop us a line below and tell us what games you’ve been hitting this week/weekend. No, they don’t have to be GOTY choices, they can be any games in existence. I’m just glad that you’re here. I’m always glad that you’re here. Catch ya in the comments!

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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