Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

whatcha been playing tails of iron

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We’ve hit the mid-point of September already. Slow down! I’m old and I can’t keep up! Actually, I should go at my own pace. And so should you. It’s been a tough few years and a rough old summer, and we all just need to take some time out where possible. Perhaps this weekend is a good start, and whatever it is you have lined up for today and tomorrow, be sure to find some time to rest up, chill out, and enjoy the silence — as Depeche Mode would say. Thanks a ton for checking in with Whatcha Been Playing? today, I really appreciate and respect your time.

I’m really up against it in terms of queued games. Not only do I have previews, reviews, and impression pieces lined up, but I also have several games I simply want to play for myself, as well as my regular fighting game haunts. There simply isn’t the time, and as much as I wanna play everything, it can’t be done. This week has been mostly taken up with the indie interspecies warfare of Tails of Iron. It’s really very good, and a perfect entry point for anyone dallying around the oft-cited “Souls” genre. Check out my review right here!

Oh, and while you do that, don’t forget to dive headlong into the comments and tell us all Whatcha Been Playing? There are so many great titles on the market at the moment. And still plenty of juicy backlog hanging over from… well… the last 30-odd-years of gaming. Whether you’re hitting old or new titles, having an incredible time, or just a so-so experience, be sure to share with the Destructoid community your current love affair with gaming. As I say over and again, we always love hearing from you all.

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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