Marvel Rivals Captain America shielding himself from Iron Man
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What does SVP mean in Marvel Rivals? Answered

Real quick.

If you’re wondering what SVP means in Marvel Rivals, I’m going to do what I’m not supposed to do in these sorts of articles and just give you an answer: it means Second Valuable Player.

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So, if MVP means Most Valuable Player, then SVP is the runner-up: the Second Valuable Player. Another possible acronym could be SMVP or “Second-Most Valuable Player,” but I guess that doesn’t look as flash.

I don’t have much else to talk about, so let’s explore that. SVP is already a fairly common acronym. I don’t know if you see it much in other countries, but here in Canada (even the English-speaking parts), we see it as S’il Vous Plaît, which is French for please. In business, it is often seen as an abbreviation for Senior Vice President. In a legal sense, it’s sometimes applied to… Well, you can look that up if you want, but it’s a little dark for this subject matter, so we’ll leave that there.

In Marvel Rivals, the MVP and SVP are picked based on a number of factors, including KDR (Kill-Death Ratio), damage output, and damage healed or blocked. To boil it down in the most obvious way, it’s how much a person contributed to their team’s success based on metrics. I just felt like stressing that, since – and this is absolutely just hypothetical – someone being really encouraging over voice chat and keeping morale up on their team could – and again, this is hypothetical – have had the greatest positive effect on their team, but there’s no way for the scoring system to know that.

And really, some people may let chasing score get in the way of their sportsmanship. If someone is selfish chasing higher numbers at the expense of their team’s strategy or the enjoyment of others, then they could become MVP or SVP. The scoring system would be able to tell either way.

But I digress. If you scrolled down here figuring the answer would be at the end, I’ll give it to you again: SVP means Second Valuable Player.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.