Weird Metacritic user reviews tear Darksiders II to bits

Sleeping Dogs and Dark Souls PC also attacked

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[Update 3: A Russian speaking friend of mine went through the site and believes it to be a highly detailed troll. The cult is dedicated to keeping alive the memory of an old Soviet actor from the 50s, who they openly acknowledge as “scum.” They also make music and write lengthy diatribes about breaking the law.

Update 2: According to discussions had between Dtoid users and Biboran, they seem to blame the Fukushima reactor disaster on Sony, and that’s part of why they’re waging a “two-year war” against the company.

Update: According to the chat section of the Biboran site, people are mad about the quality of the PS3 port. Reaver dug up a little more on Ansha Abdul — a Russian video reviewer who might be legitimately crazy and managed to organize his fans into a “religious” cult called Biboran. That said, the reviews may just be this one guy using bots.] 

We’ve done this dance many times before: a new game comes out, gamers get pissed about something, and exact revenge by organizing a mass of negative user reviews on Metacritic. It’s happened to the likes of Portal 2 and Call of Duty, but in the case of Darksiders II, it’s a little different. 

The PS3 version of the game has an overwhelming 1,071 negative scores compared to nine positive, making for an average score of 0.8. What makes this unique is the fact that most of the reviews are in Russian text, and make frequent reference to Biboran and Ansha-Abdul.

Looking around, I found a Youtube video from “AntiAbdoluv” boasting of a record low for Darksiders II‘s user review scores. It’s all in Russian and is over twenty minutes long. Translating some of the comments, they mostly seem to be arguing about money.

There are similar videos for Sleeping Dogs and Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, both of which were also subjected to the review drubbing. In the case of the console games, the PS3 versions were exclusively hit. There is a website called that seems to be connected, but it’s kind of scary and I won’t directly link it. View at your own discretion. It’s got Satan-type stuff on it. 

I’m sure there’s some obvious “thing” going on that everybody but me understands. 

[Thanks, Colin]

Here are some of the English reviews (the last one is from the Sleeping Dogs page):

“The game is totally disgusting. Even Stalin wouldn’t play this joke of a game. Story line is for children garden, gameplay seen in GoW-like games 1000 times. Style is made by handicapped cretin. Only power of Biboran can save us from sony-blyadey! Ansha Abdul”

Ansha-Abdul! Biboran, brothers! A most anticipated ame of century gone **** Who`s wrong? SONYBLYAD`s. And now u know what to do. Read Biboran! Ansha-Abdul! Kara Ve4na9!”

“PS3 **** **** pissing game, read the holy God-Sota Biboran Abdulov and you will be happy. Adept Abdul-belief. Church of Hell Abdulov. Anshan Abdul siblings.”

It is not game! This was done by idiots for idiots. The technical level of the single player game for 2001. Do not play that **** do not feed Krivorukov developers. The existence of a PS3 that year does not develop a normal game for the PC. Ansha Abdul. Biboran.

Read the Biboran, Anscha Abdul brothers! Game is PedoStation **** for Japans **** i dont respect that worst GTA clone, because it look dumb and fight system doesnt work correctly.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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