Weekend Destructainment: Twelve videos plus contest reminder

Behind the scenes of a commercial the Wild Boyz made for the DS. Steve O almost gets eaten by a lion. I’m not joking, he almost freakin’ dies.

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… actually, it’s just a mod for the PC version.

A Game Boy Color powered by steam. Brain Age getting pwned. [Via Kotaku]

Behind the scenes of a commercial the Wild Boyz made for the DS. Steve O almost gets eaten by a lion. I’m not joking, he almost freakin’ dies.

The finished Wildboyz Nintendo DS commercialA banned episode of Pokemon. (This is the third part, the other 2 parts can be found on YouTube.)Is she having a seizure or playing an Eye Toy game?

To quote the commenter “Alma from F.E.A.R. materializes to play video games?”Another insane Japanese person playing that drumming game with super- human skills. So many possible sexual jokes for this, too!

My ladie’s life on XBox Live

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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