Weekend Destructainment: Awkward edition

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[Weekend Destructainment is a collection of funny videos brought together from all across the Internet to bring you entertainment on these slow and boring weekends.]

Robot Chicken, music, ads and more await you in this edition of Weekend Destructainment. After the break, watch a Robot Chicken sketch on Castlevania. Then it’s a secret endless level from the original Star Fox. Next up, it’s a two part video of Dtoider NukaCola89 covering Mega Man X music on the drums. 

Random Robot Intermission follows with an awesome music video to an awesome song. Then a AI plays through Mario like it’s nothing. Two new GameTap ads from Mega64 follow that. Then it’s a remix of the Rockman song by Hyadain. The Destructainment ends with a collection of old school Mega Man ads. 

Robot Chicken takes on Castlevania.

Secret level from the original Star Fox. Had no idea this was there! Spotted on GoNintendo.

Dtoider NukaCola89 covers some music from Mega Man X (Part 1)

Dtoider NukaCola89 covers some music from Mega Man X (Part 2)

Random Robot Intermission: Birdy Nam Nam – “The Parachute Ending.”

AI plays through Mario. Spotted on GoNintendo.

Mega64’s third GameTap ad.

Mega64’s fourth GameTap ad.

New Hyadain jam! Rockman remix.

A collection of old school Mega Man ads.

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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