Watch the Dangan-Ronpa trailer and salivate

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Holy crap. The other day, I posted a story about an upcoming PSP game called Dangan-Ronpa which seems to combine the premise of Battle Royale with gameplay derived from the Ace Attorney series. At that point, I was interested. Now that Spike has opened up a website for the game with a trailer, I’m am in full-on lust mode.

The visual style is striking and has a kind of flair that reminds me of Persona 4. And the mini-game aspect looks promising too. The more I hear about this title, the more it sounds like they’re taking all the best parts of things that I love or admire and squishing them together into a ball of concentrated awesome.

I dare you to watch that and tell me that it doesn’t get your blood pumping. I double-dog dare you. This game must see US release. Do you hear me XSEED? Atlus? Somebody needs to get on this pronto.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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