Watch Sonic kick Mario’s ass as well as every other Nintendo character in Brawl

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[Update: GameTrailers got the videos up fast! Check out Sonic in action above and the Nintendo Conference video after the jump!] 

Nexy-poo broke the news moments ago that Sonic will be making it into the Brawl. Well the DOJO just had a triple update for Wednesday showing video and pictures of Sonic in action.  

Until we get the embed codes from GameTrailers, you can check out the video of Sonic destroying Mario, Bowser and other notable Nintendo characters at the DOJO. A second video was also released today from the Nintendo Conference. It’s just a quick montage of a lot of the things the DOJO has been updating with in the last couple of months.

So Sonic in Brawl … who else had to change their pants? The lines at E For All are going to be much longer now.  

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Hamza Aziz
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