Watch me stumble through the first full level of Mirror’s Edge, ‘Flight’

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Last week, Electronic Arts dropped the demo for DICE’s Mirror’s Edge on the gaming world and the response has been mostly positive.

The snippet of gameplay from the demo gives you a nice taste of what the game is all about, letting you run through the game’s opening training area and the prologue, “The Edge.” I’ve been running through the final version of Mirror’s Edge for a little over a week now, and while I can’t give my final thoughts until November 11, I am allowed to talk about some of the game’s earlier levels. 

But why talk about it when I can just show you? After the jump, you’ll find video of the game’s first full chapter, “Flight.” Making this video was stressful. When you’re nailing your jumps and your slides, Mirror’s Edge looks elegant and smooth; when you’re not, well … you just look like an idiot. 

Needless to say, no one wants to see me jumping off of buildings or running into walls. Some editing has been done to the video, mostly to pull out some of the story and a loading screen or two. But mostly, editing was done because I make a really crappy runner.

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Nick Chester
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