Watch for rolling katamaris

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Watch out for falling Tetris blocks for the next 3 miles … what?!  Wouldn’t that road sign confuse the heck out of you?

Well, luckily for you and your insurance company, these signs aren’t real. Created by readers of Something, these videogame road signs were made for a Photoshop Phriday contest where readers were required to Photoshop fake road signs about anything.

Hit the jump at 55mph to avoid falling behind.

Tetris Blocks next 3 km. For the Americans, that’s 1.85 miles of blocky goodiness. Created by Occamsmonkey.

Prince and his katamari up ahead. Prepare to be prince rolled. Created by Pimp Chickens.

Front page picture created by The Cubelodyte.

[Via Boing, Boing — Thanks, The Zero God!]

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