Watch Dogs 2 to be released by April 2017

Watch_Daschunds expansion confirmed?

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For a game that built up as much pre-launch hype as Watch Dogs, it’s super weird that Ubisoft hasn’t made a bigger deal of the inevitable sequel. We know it’s coming though, and we now know it’ll be coming sometime before April 2017.

In its end-of-quarter financial report, Ubisoft confirmed that it is working on a sequel to Watch Dogs and that it will be due out in the next fiscal year. Seeing as that ends in April 2017, we have at most 14 months to wait for Aiden ‘bought all my clothes from GAME’ Pierce’s oh-so-triumphant return.

I really hope Watch Dogs 2 pulls an Assassin’s Creed II and massively improves on the original in almost every way, because as much as I loved Watch Dogs it did have some pretty glaring problems. In particular, I’d like some more involved hacking mechanics and less pissing about in security cameras, please.

Watch Dogs 2 joins South Park: The Fractured But Whole (whose name I only just got while typing it), Ghost Recon: Wildlands, For Honor, and a new as-of-yet unknown IP as Ubisoft’s lineup for over the next year.

While we’re not seeing an Assassin’s Creed game anytime soon, which makes me sad in an ‘it’s for the best’ kind of way, there are still things to be positive about. I really enjoyed Watch Dogs, and For Honor is right up my Chivalry-playing alley, so I’m interested to see how Ubisoft pull off the next 14 months.

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Joe Parlock
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