Watch a Japanese douche destroy a copy of The Last Story

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It seems that Japanese gamers are not deaf to our pleas for a Western release of The Last Story. In fact, one plucky lad in particular has heard us, and saw fit to answer in the most compassionate of ways — obtaining a copy of Mistwalker’s game and annihilating it on video. 

Either that or (judging by his fanboy name) he’s just incredibly pissed that the game is a Wii exclusive. Either way, he’s a dickface for cutting it up, especially with we poor fools in the West clamoring for a localized copy.

I want to both Nerd Rage and shake the douchebag’s hand for his superb trolling. In any case, I hope it was worth the Yen to be Internet famous for a day.

[Thanks, Nintendaan]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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