Warren Spector and I are totally best friends now

You guys wish you could be me

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I failed to mention that, immediately following the Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion preview event last month, Warren Spector led all the journalists on a tour through Magic Kingdom. We went on the Magic Carpet, Haunted Mansion, and Peter Pan rides, while Warren fielded questions and explained how he incorporated park elements into the Epic Mickey games.

Frankly, I think it was all an excuse for Warren to ride the rides for free.

A Disney cameraman was on hand to film B-roll of the tour. In the video above, you might notice a particularly strapping young man in a blue plaid long-sleeve shirt who appears to be commanding the bulk of Mr. Spector’s time. That gentleman is me.

The only reason I’m sharing this video is because it’s Sunday and I feel like making all of you cats jealous that I am now close, personal friends (not really) with the legendary game designer. The Machinima clip above only shows brief bits of my interaction with Warren. After the break, you can watch the unedited footage that Nintendo World Report uploaded a couple weeks back.

Warren Spector Tours Disney World (Inside Gaming Extended) [YouTube]

Warren and I strike up a conversation as we enter Adventureland [YouTube]

Near the 7:30 mark, Warren and I snuggle up on the Peter Pan ride [YouTube]

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Tony Ponce
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