With the release of the Whispers in the Wall update, Digital Extremes released an Initiate Power Pack bundle. However, it comes at a hefty price and has been met with some pushback. Some say it’s “pay to win” while others say it isn’t. With that said, is the Warframe Initiate Power Pack worth it? We’ll explain below.
Is the Initiate Power Pack worth it in Warframe?
In short, this pack is worth it only if you are a new player and you’re going to stick around playing Warframe. A good way to figure out if this bundle is worth it for you is just by putting at least ten hours into the game. Once you get a feel of the game and figure out if you’re going to be in it for the long haul, you can determine if it’s worth putting in $50 USD.
To put the “pay to win” claims to rest again, this bundle doesn’t do that. You don’t throw money at the game and suddenly become OP. Instead, this is a way to help newer players catch up on the hours of content that lead up to the more cinematic aspects of Warframe.
Progressing through the star chart is hard without someone guiding you along the way or being carried. The mod system in this game is admittedly overly convoluted. There are a bunch of mods that don’t really help you as much as the essentials do, which include health, shields, armor, damage, and elemental damage.
This has been recently compared to Destiny 2’s character boosts, which have also been met with mixed reception. There is somewhat of a valid case to be made, given that the mods you get will essentially carry you through most, if not all, of the base missions on the planets as you progress in the Warframe story.

Personally, it feels boring to be carried by someone else when trying a new game. This pack allows new players to take on content solo and actually feel like they’re contributing toward a mission’s progress.
If anything, the Initiate Power Pack is more of a pay-to-skip situation for solo players. It sucks to grind for things early on by yourself because you’re inefficiently farming things just to slightly progress. Some might say it’s a design flaw that needs reworking which is why this acts as a bandage while the team at Digital Extremes continues to solidify the New Player Experience.
What is included in the Initiate Power Pack?
This pack includes two frames, two primary weapons, two secondary weapons, and two melee weapons. All of them will be at max rank for full customization right from the get-go.
On top of that, you’ll also get an assortment of 63 max rank mods that you can apply on these to easily breeze through the star chart and take on mid-game content and upward. Additionally, you’ll receive 475 Platinum that you can spend in the market. Though, it’s best to hold onto this for things like cosmetics and slots.
According to the information given on the pack’s page, all the equipment combined should boost you up to Mastery Rank 3, allowing access to the Syndicate system.
With all that out of the way, this pack does not make Warframe a “pay-to-win” game. It’s more of a pay-to-skip option. Everything in this pack, including the platinum, can be obtained in-game via farming and normal progression.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 5:33 PM UTC