The grid-based tactical MMO Wakfu is officially released for PC today! I was pretty pleased when I tried out the beta stage of the game and I am certainly looking forward to its future endeavors. From the community feedback, it does seem that the developers are trying to clean up some of the imbalances, but only time will tell how that all pans out. I recently got to interview the lead developer Azael, which you can read here.
Just as a note: many players, including myself, have been unable to access the North American server Nox due to server issues basically all day. People are definitely playing in it, but currently I am not one of them. Launch-day server issues are anything but uncommon among MMORPGs and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that patience goes a long way.
You can subscribe to Wakfu for $6.00 a month, far from unreasonable if you ask me, or you can go the free-to-play route with some restrictions.
Published: Feb 29, 2012 06:15 pm