Videogames stop two-year-olds from talking now!

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Everybody panic! It’s another “media rapes children” scare! The good old Telegraph, not one to publish a story with an anti-videogame bent, has brought word that British two-year-olds are developing “speech problems” thanks to TV and game addiction. 

A nationwide screening program is being considered in the UK to find out more about these speech problems, which “experts” are now saying could be more widespread than dyslexia and autism. As well as videogames, other proposed courses are social deprivation, the decline of the “traditional British mealtime” and, surprisingly, poor childcare. Yes, for once the actual parenting might be considered.

And parenting, or lack thereof, is of course the root problem with most childhood issues. I mean, what is a two-year-old doing even playing videogames, let alone to the kind of extent that one could classify as addiction? It’s no secret that the average Brit is growing up stupider than a spongecake bicycle, with testing standards failing, youth crime rising and parents being too frightened/lazy to do something about it. 

But it’s being observed now that some two-year-olds don’t even know their own name. Sorry, but you don’t get that stupid from playing videogames. You get that stupid from having moron chav parents who only squirted you out so they could claim extra money on their welfare checks. 

[Via GoNintendo]

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