Ubisoft wants to ‘improve relationship’ with PC gamers

Miraculous change of heart following Uplay expansion

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Ubisoft, famous among PC gamers for obnoxious DRM tactics and shoddy ports, has claimed it wishes to improve its relationship with the computer gaming community. Of course, now it’s trying to push its own Origin-like service, it makes sense it’s coming round with its cap in hand. 

“Announcing all these partners for Uplay and a wider choice of PC games, it shows our commitment to PC, and we want to improve our relationship with the PC community,” said Uplay director Stephanie Perotti in MCV. “We are always seeking to improve. We took a lot of that feedback on board. With every game on PC we are improving. Far Cry 3 and Assassin’s Creed III on PC were very high quality.

“At Uplay we are also offering all Ubisoft titles, more console content and elements that gamers are more interested in. It’s about offering more options and more choice.”

It’s true that more recent Ubisoft PC efforts have been good, but it comes across as cynical when its commitment to being less of a dick coincides with an attempt to suckle at the teet of proprietary digital distribution services. Sure, it wants to improve its PC reputation — but only after it’s got something extra to sell. 

Ubisoft: ‘We want to improve our relationship with PC gamers’ [MCV]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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