Now that you know all about Splinter Cell Conviction‘s multiplayer you’re probably wondering if it’s actually going to be any good. If you have faith in the quality of games that inspired by other games then you should have faith that the multiplayer co-op in Conviction is going to kick some major ass. Ubisoft is saying that the took a lot of inspiration for it from Valve’s Left 4 Dead.
When asked what influenced the creating of the game Patrick Redding discussed the earlier Splinter Cell games before describing how the co-op came about. “A lot of my own personal feelings about co-operative play in Conviction were strongly influenced by the campaigns in Ghost Recon, Gears Of War 2 and Left 4 Dead – it’s just trying to find ways to encourage players to work together without necessarily forcing them to by making them jump through the bottle neck,” he told CVG.
Those are some pretty big names to be tossing out there. Hopefully he isn’t just tossing them around to garner a headline and some press and they actually took heed to what works so well in the co-op in those games.