Don’t you dare question the ability of the Splinter Cell: Conviction developers. According to lead designer Stephen Masters, the team “could easily” create the amazing looking sequel for PlayStation 3. That doesn’t mean they’re going to, however. If it’s not a lack of technical know-how, why wouldn’t Splinter Cell be coming to Sony’s black box o’ Blu-ray?
“Well that’s purely a business decision. That’s it,” he explains. “Ubisoft as a company now has a lot of experience with PS3. Our processes, tools, techniques are very well-developed — we could absolutely execute on the PS3 if we had the opportunity, but like I said it was a business decision.”
A business decision? That’s one, very tactful way, of putting it, but there’s no need for Ubisoft to be so coy. Just tell us many many zeros Microsoft wrote on that check and we’ll say no more about it.
Splinter Cell: Conviction was definitely one of the biggest shocks of E3. I have never been able to care about a Splinter Cell until I sat in the audience at the Ubisoft press conference and saw one of the most sleek, slick and above all, cool looking games to appear in a long time. This is going to be hot, whatever the console it’s on.