Ubisoft and Paramount inject Rainbow Six Vegas 2 with ad-tastic minigame

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Let the in-game advertising commence! Ubisoft (aka the EA of Europe) has signed a deal with Paramount Pictures to infuse the 360 version of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 gameplay-reliant advertising that will take the shape of an in-game scavenger hunt promoting upcoming movie Tropic Thunder.

Players will follow a series of clues within the game in order to receive a “free digital VIP map” for the title and gain entry into a Tropic Thunder sweepstakes for the chance to win an Xbox 360 Elite … and … for the love of …

Most in-game advertisments are fairly passive, but this represents a new age of playable commercials, which brings things right back to the days of Cool Spot. I’m sure this is going to be very nice for Ben Stiller fans, but the whole idea of this scheme makes me cringe, quite frankly. I’m not surprised in the least that Ubisoft is involved.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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