Ubidays ’07: New Assassin’s Creed trailer is just … wow

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I’m hesitant to post another video on the main page, since it’s already cluttered with the likes of the Pikmin-gone bad, Overlord, and the PSP RPG goodness of Jeanne D’Arc. But this new Assassin’s Creed trailer, straight from Ubisoft’s Ubidays event in Paris, must be seen by everyone … right now. Call your mom into the room. 

This game completely took me by surprise at E3 when I wormed my way into Ubisoft’s behind-closed-doors showing to see a game that I had never heard of before. It was gorgeous and intriguing, but certainly in need a lot of work to get where it needed to be. It’s been quiet on the Assassin’s Creed front for the past few months, and now we know why — polish, baby.

Now before it becomes the next “Mad World,” let it be known right now that the song in the trailer is the UNKLE track “Lonely Soul,” from their debut record Psyence Fiction. It was released in 1998, nearly 10 years before Assassin’s Creed, which should hit shelves later this year … right? Pretty please?

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Nick Chester
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