Turrican Soundtrack Anthology seeks Kickstarter funding

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The Turrican series has admittedly sunken into obscurity over the years, but in the late 80s and early 90s, it was known for pushing the envelope across a variety of platforms including the Amiga, Commodore 64, Atari, Sega Genesis, and Super Nintendo. One of the reasons it’s remained on the minds of fans, however, is due to their impressive soundtracks composed by European game audio legend Chris Huelsbeck. Huelsbeck’s music has been celebrated on numerous occasions, including at a concert dedicated entirely to his works in Germany a few years back, so it’s no surprise that the composer is seeking Kickstarter funding for a new project involving his music.

What Huelsbeck and his team are aiming to do is to raise $75,000 to produce a three-disc collection of music from across the series which will include orchestral arrangements and performances by the WDR Radio Orchestra Cologne among other surprises. Those who pledge $25 will receive a digital download and booklet of the collection, while those who can contribute $50 will get a physical copy signed by Huelsbeck. The funding tiers scale up to pretty incredible levels from there, with anyone contributing $7,500 or more getting weekly phone calls from Huelsbeck for status updates on the project along with a face-to-face lunch, tickets to a live orchestral concert that will commemorate the release, an original piece of music written by Huelsbeck, and more. As of the time I’m preparing this story, they’ve already received over $22,000 in pledges in just two days!

You can check out the Turrican Soundtrack Anthology Kickstarter page here, and let us know what you think of the Turrican series and their soundtracks. Is this a project you could get behind?

[via OSV

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Jayson Napolitano
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