Track BFBC2 Vietnam’s ‘Battle for Hastings’ challenge

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Similar to what DICE did with Battlefield 1943, players can unlock a fifth multiplayer map for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam by collectively performing 69 million team actions.

Basically, any action that doesn’t directly involve killing dudes — resupply, revive, spot, heal, and repair — all count. The catch is that each of the three platforms have their own individual totals. Over on the game’s official website, there’s a stat tracker showing our progress to date.

So far, PC players are leading the way with nearly 10 million team actions, followed by Xbox 360 and then PlayStation 3. I give it a week before everyone has the Operation Hastings map.

Track BFBC2 Vietnam’s ‘Operation Hastings’ unlock status [Joystiq]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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