And then there’s that Quick Draw game too
You know what’s awesome? Wild-west style duels. You know what else is awesome? Touching butts. Fortunately for you, dear reader, Papa Spencer is here to deliver.
I ran into Stephen Morris at Indiecade at E3 this year and I’m certainly glad I did. Stephen was here to show off two of his upcoming games Quick Draw and Glow Tag. Quick Draw is a game about shooting your friends in a “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”-esque standoff. Glow Tag is a game in which you win by touching butts as fast as possible.
To be clear: This is the most fun I’ve had within 10 feet of a PS Move controller since Johann Sebastian Joust.
Check the video for Stephen’s delightful accent and my ability to say “Digital Ass-Grabber” in a professional setting.