Too Human finished … may God have mercy on us all

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It appears as if Too Human‘s long and painful development has finally been put to rest and, presumably, Denis Dyack can go back on his meds again. That’s right, Too Human is gold and ready to go.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the (not very enjoyable) Too Human demo has reached 900,000 downloads on Xbox Live. Helped in no small part, I’m sure, to Dyack’s online bear baiting and perpetual tantrums during the game’s development. Who needs to make a good game when controversy sells even better than quality? Not that I’m saying Too Human is a bad game, just the demo. I’ll wait until I actually play Too Human in full before making my opinion known. And believe me, I will.

Destructoid will of course have a review up for your enjoyment, although I doubt Denis will come to Destructoid and do what one game developer did when we had our last review. No names mentioned.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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