Times Online: German school shooter copied Far Cry 2

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The Times Online, following the great news media tradition of linking violent acts to videogames, has noted that German school shooter Tim Kretschmer was a gamer, making sure to note “sinister” parallels with Ubisoft’s mercenary-themed FPS, Far Cry 2.

The article claims, falsely, that Kretschmer dressed in a black camo uniform to better emulate the FPS, a game which, as far as I’ve played so far, contains not a single item of clothing that falls within that description. Parallels were also drawn between the game and the killer’s decision to hijack a car, as well as wield a Beretta 92 handgun. 

“You can see their influence in the way these school shooters aim and shoot accurately and move from one target to the next, moving through people dispassionately,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Dave Grossman, who for some reason is still treated as an expert in these situations, despite his humorous belief that videogames can make people accurately use real guns. As someone who has recently started playing Far Cry 2 myself, I can tell you that I cannot even accurately fire a NERF Gun, let along a Beretta 92. I don’t even know what a Beretta really looks like. 

Tim Kretschmer was a pathetic loser. A worthless psychopathic coward who couldn’t take it just because some girl rejected his sad virgin arse. Whether he played Far Cry 2 or not, that would never have altered the fact that he was a nutjob, and a f*cking crybaby nutjob at that. Let’s stop trying to take focus away from what a frigging pussy he was, because that’s something I don’t think ever gets emphasized enough with these spineless dickwads. They’re pussies, and the news needs to stop justifying them and start calling them out.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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