This Week in the Community: Vote for your game of the year

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This week, I’m skipping a game room for Kryptinite’s PAX video. He made a little montage of some of the pictures and videos from PAX and set them to a very appropriate song. PAX 2009 is going to be amazing!

Chad is intense, Blipfest was awesome, Dyson’s secret was revealed, vote for your game of the year, and plenty more happened this past week in the community.

Chad is a PIMP.

Faith made some sweet Chrono Trigger character beads.

lastSKYsamurai made one of the most delicious looking gaming cakes ever. It’s not often that a videogame related cake looks good to me, even the cake in Portal. So I kind of find it funny that this Companion Cube cake looks mouth watering good.

.tiff sent Fusiontr a wonderful little gift. The packaging had some of her art on it, a bunch of random gaming swag, and best of all, a cute custom plushy by one .tiff.

Zen Albatross, the resident chiptunes master, recapped Blipfest. Tons of Dtoiders showed up and it looked like a really good time.

Brilliam also blogged about Blipfest and gave some shout outs to the Dtoiders he meet while in New York.

Last, but not least, Black Yoshi recounted his New York adventure during Blipfest. It was great until he went to the sex museum that had the Paris Hilton exhibit. 

FAILCAST episode 20 with Samit Soccer

Congratulations to cannedpasta on his new found fatherhood

The GHost has done some Matlocking and found out what Dyson has really been up to since leaving RetroforceGO!

Some community members did a little Secret Santa thing and Welkstar hooked up aborto thefetus up big time.

Here’s the latest update to the Destructoid completed games list. Necros, I don’t know how you manage to not go crazy writing this feature up.

power-glove and Phist kicked Gizmodo’s ass at Call of Duty 4. Oh, and happy birthday Tino!

Highlights end this week with CountingConflict’s unofficial community videogame awards. Go vote for your favorite games of the year!

Happy birthday wishes to:


About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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