If you’re attempting to complete The Password Game, it can’t hurt to have a list of all the rules. As you progress through the game, all rules must be followed even with each subsequent step. Therefore, knowing what’s coming up can help you plan for the future when trying to create a working password in The Password Game. There are a total of 35 rules that need to be successfully followed all at once to beat the game in the end, so keep previous rules in mind as you progress.
Continue reading below to see all the rules you’ll encounter and some tips on how to win The Password Game.
All 35 rules from Password Game listed
Let’s take a look at all 35 rules you must follow.
- Rule 1 — Your Password must be at least 5 characters.
- Rule 2 — Your password must include a number.
- Rule 3 — Your password must include an uppercase letter.
- Rule 4 — Your password must include a special character.
- Rule 5 — The digits in your password must add up to 25.
- Rule 6 — Your password must include a month of the year.
- Rule 7 — Your password must include a roman numeral.
- Description: Roman Numerals are letters that represent numerals as part of the Roman numerical system. I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C= 100, D = 500, and M = 1,000.
- Rule 7 Tip: You can start with something basic like I or V but be prepared to change this one as you go. Later rules require you to do things like multiply them to 35, so a good start is to have V and then VII somewhere else in the password representing 5 and 7 which multiply to make 35.
- Rule 8 — Your password must include one of our sponsors.
- Rule 9 — The roman numerals in your password should multiply to 35.
- Rule 10 — Your password must include this CAPTCHA.
- Description: Simply input the displayed CAPTCHA into your password to accomplish this rule. Some can be really tricky to make out so don’t be afraid to refresh the CAPTCHA.
- Tip: Remember, all rules for The Password Game must be met throughout the entire game. A good tip is to add this CAPTCHA to its own special part of your password like at the very end so that when satisfying other rules you don’t interfere with the CAPTCHA.
- Rule 11 — Your password must include today’s Wordle answer.
- Description: Each day The New York Times releases a new Wordle puzzle. Wordle tasks you with figuring out a five-letter word with only six guesses. The answer for the puzzle is unique each day as well.
- Tip: Your password must include today’s winning Wordle answer (a single five-letter word) for that day. If you take more than one day to complete The Password Game, you may need to update your password to fulfill this rule.
- Rule 12 — Your password must include a two letter symbol from the periodic table.
- Rule 13 — Your password must include the current phase of the moon as an emoji.
- Rule 14 — Your password must include the name of this country.
- Description:
- Rule 15 — Your password must include a leap year.
- Description: The Earth actually takes a little longer than a full year to orbit the sun; 365 and 1/4 days to be exact. To keep time on track, so to say, every four years we have a leap year that adds an extra day to make up that 1/4 missing day each year.
- Tip: Leap years happen every four years, starting with, well, the year 4. This means that as we’re in the 2000’s, it still happens every four years starting with 2,000. There are plenty of options, both past, present, and future, that can satisfy Rule 15 in The Password Game.
- Rule 16 — Your password must include the best move in algebraic chest notation.
- Rule 17 —🥚 This my chicken Paul. He hasn’t hatched yet. Please put him in your password and keep him safe.
- Rule 18 — The elements in your password must have atomic numbers that add up to 200.
- Description: Every Atomic Element on the Periodic Table of Elements has an Atomic Number which is the number of protons in the nucleus of that atom that makes up the element. Your password must include elements that add up to 200.
- Tip: Pull up a chart of all the Atomic Elements and their Atomic Numbers. Pick several elements that add up to 200 (such as Oganesson or Og which is 118 and Lead or Pb which is 82) and include the element in your password. To solve Rule 18 in The Password Game this must remain true, so if you add characters that spell out another element, you’ll have to update your password.
- Rule 19 — All the vowels in your password must be bolded.
- Rule 20 —Oh no! Your password is on fire 🔥. Quick, put it out!
- Rule 21 — Your password is not strong enough.
- Rule 22 — Your password must contain one of the following affirmations: I am loved|I am worthy|I am enough
- Rule 23 — Paul has hatched🐔! Please don’t forget to feed him. He eats three 🐛 every minute.
- Rule 24 — Your password must include the URL of a YouTube video of this exact length.
- Description: You must add a literal YouTube URL (youtube.com/videourl) to your password that links to a video that is this exact length.
- Tip: Simply use Google to search for a video that is the exact length required such as “73 second long video” or use the advanced YouTube Search rules to find a video that is the length you require.
- Rule 25 — A sacrifice must be made. Pick 2 letters that you will no longer be able to use.
- Rule 26 — Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold.
- Rule 27 — At least 30% of your password must be in the Wingdings font.
- Rule 28 — Your password must include this color in hex.
- Rule 29 — All roman numerals must be in Times New Roman.
- Rule 30 — The font size of every digit must be equal to its square.
- Rule 31 — Every instance of the same letter must have a different font size.
- Rule 32 — Your password must include the length of your password.
- Rule 33 — The length of your password must be a prime number.
- Description: Prime numbers are those that are divisible only by 1 and the number itself. This starts with 2 and then includes 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 and more. For this rule, the total length of your password as in how many characters it is made of must equal a prime number.
- Tip: You’ll end up needing a lot of characters for your password in The Password Game so it’s unrealistic to satisfy this rule with a prime number of say 2, 3, 5, or even 13 or 17. I’d recommend making sure you satisfy Rule 35 (and the rest of the rules, of course), and then adding random alphabetical non-roman numeral characters to your password to hit the next prime number. Higher prime numbers include 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97, so aim for one of those.
- Rule 34 — This rule is skipped!
- Rule 35 — Your password must include the current time.
- Description: The most challenging rule is of course saved for last. The format of the current time is in 12 hour format, and must include the : between the hour and minute. So for the time of 3:30 pm, you would simply need to include 3:30 somewhere in the password.
- Tip: There are two reasons this rule is tricky. First, the answer changes every minute, so you have to be somewhat forward-thinking. But more importantly, adding these numbers will affect other rules as well such as Rule 33 which requires the length of your password to be a prime number. Therefore, I recommend planning out this rule once you reach Rule 26 so you can keep in fulfilled as you complete the other rules.
How to win The Password Game
Once you’ve followed all 35 rules, you will encounter the true test of The Password Game. The game will ask you if this is your final password. Once you confirm, your password disappears and then you have two minutes to type in your exact password. Failure to do so will result in the game ending and you will have to start all over. Make sure you copy your password or better yet take a screenshot by hitting the Print Screen button on your keyboard an then pasting it into the Paint program so you can view your final password and make it easier to input.