The most anticipated Nintendo DS games of 2009

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You know who I am madly in love with? Fellow editor Colette Bennett. Why, you may ask? Well, first off: look at her! Secondly, she and I share a special bond about how much we adore the Nintendo DS. The cute little handheld is our favorite thing ever, both of us easily ranking it as one of our favorite videogame systems of all time.

Just the other day Colette and I were sitting in a rowboat, floating through the swinging reeds of a small, moonlit pond, talking about what our most anticipated Nintendo DS games of 2009 are.

And then we made out.

Hit the jump to see what games Colette and I talked about … before the crab started singing.

[Amazing header pic by Fronz!]

Chad Concelmo

5. Miles Edgeworth: Perfect Prosecutor

The Phoenix Wright series is one of the greatest adventure game series ever created. This upcoming spin-off — starring Phoenix Wright’s arch-nemesis and prosecuting attorney Miles Edgeworth — looks to continue the series’s grand tradition of including stellar writing and ridiculously memorable characters. The new third-person gameplay has yet to prove itself, but any game that involves interrogating a dolphin is a winner in my book.

4. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Wait, what the heck is a new Fire Emblem game (for a handheld, nonetheless) doing so low on a list of my most anticipated games of next year? The Fire Emblem series is one of my favorite series of all time. Oh, Shadow Dragon is not really “new” as much as it is a graphical DS upgrade of the original Fire Emblem for the Famicom. Regardless, I want this game and I want it bad.

3. Professor Layton and the Devil’s Box

This sequel to the incredible original Professor Layton game is not technically announced for next year, but a 2009 release seems pretty likely. No further explanation is needed: It’s the sequel to one of the greatest DS games ever made. I would very much like to play it. The end.

2. Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky

Even if I wasn’t a giant, Slime plushie-buying super fan, Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky would easily make this list since it is the next true sequel in the beloved Dragon Quest series. And it’s on the DS! Words can’t even describe how excited I am for this one.

1. Mario & Luigi RPG 3

Mario & Luigi RPG 3 is the only game that could have knocked Dragon Quest IX out of the top spot for my most anticipated DS game of 2009. For anyone that has played Superstar Saga on the Game Boy Advance or its sequel Partners in Time for the DS, you know how hilariously awesome the Mario & Luigi RPG series is. Granted, Partners in Time may not have been quite as great as the original, but maybe this third iteration will top them all. Heck, it has already been revealed there is a dungeon set inside of Bowser’s stomach. Mario & Luigi RPG 3 wins!

Colette Bennett

5. Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

I spent such a colossal amount of time and energy playing Puzzle Quest that I can easily say it is one of my favorite games on Xbox Live and easily in my top puzzle games of all time. That’s why I am waiting with bated breath for Galactrix, despite the fact I am worried that it may be more complex than it needs to be. I guess I still have high hopes for D3 to bring back all the addictiveness of the first game in this new installment, but there’s no way to know until I actually get some time to myself with the game.

4. Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure

Speaking of hybrid genres, Henry Hatsworth looks like just my kind of action, and I have a feeling that the mix of platforming and puzzles could leave me just as addicted as Puzzle Quest did. Plus, Henry carries a cup of coffee and a SWORD on the cover, which pretty much proves he’s a complete and total badass.

3. Retro Game Challenge

I shouldn’t even have to explain why this is awesome, but in case you have never heard of it, I will: it’s based on a Japanese television show called Retro Game Master, it’s made by XSEED, and gameplay involves you being transformed into a kid and being thrown back in time to the 1980’s. You can’t return unless you defeat some retro gaming challenges first. BEST. CONCEPT. EVER.

2. Blood of Bahamut

I was speechless before I even knew what this game was about — all I had to do was see the giant creature with the city on its back in the teaser and I was dying to play it. My excitement only escalated when I found out it was an RPG and featured four player co-op. If this game doesn’t get a US release, I will be one sad puppy.

1. Ninokuni: The Another World

This is the game I have always dreamt of playing. From the announcement that the art would be done by Studio Ghibli to the elaborately beautiful book that comes with the game (and electrifies every nerve and muscle in my bibliophile body), Ninokuni sits so far up on my most wanted list that it even surpasses games on most other consoles. I literally cannot wait to get my hands on this game, and even if is not released in North America, I know I’ll buy it anyway just to be able to proudly display it among the rest of my collection.


So, there you have it. Keep in mind that these are just Colette and I’s personal choices – there are obviously a million other great games coming out. Honestly, the two of us had a really hard time narrowing it down it just five each.

What do you think? What are your most anticipated Nintendo DS games of 2009?

And don’t just take our words for it: here are some other editors’ picks for the games they want the most:

Conrad Zimmerman: Blood Bowl, Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templar (Director’s Cut), Peggle: Dual Shot

Topher Cantler: Tokyo Beatdown, RooGoo: Twisted Towers, Touch Mechanic, De Blob

Hamza Aziz: Mario & Luigi RPG 3, Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure

Jonathan Holmes: Tokyo Beatdown

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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