The mercenaries of Dust 514

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In this second Dust 514 dev diary Producer Thomas Farrer and Art Director Robert Dimond discuss the mercenary troops, their roles, weapons and armor. These guys are the best and the most bad ass, not just regular cannon fodder. They’re also clones who, when they die, have their memories uploaded to another clone. So they are essentially immortal. 

I really like the sound of fitting, where mercenaries can alter their gear and their role depending on the constantly evolving battlefield situation. I continue to be pretty excited about this. I never had time to really get anywhere in EVE Online, but maybe I’ll have more lucking running around the surface of worlds shooting stuff, rather than trying to mine and trade and not get blown up in space. Dust 514 is coming out later this year on PS3, but you can sign up for the beta on the website.

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Fraser Brown
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