According to a new info dump, the highly anticipated Wii exclusive The Last Story will not use “shake controls”. It’s also been made clear that the game will not be coming to other consoles because Nintendo worked so closely with Mistwalker on developing the game. There’s a whole lot of other stuff about the game on the link below. I’m particularly psyched to see that we’ll be getting regular video updates for the rest of the month.
Like sweet Jim Sterling told you, a lot of gamers don’t want games like The Last Story coming to the Wii. that’s partly because a lot of you have come to think that all Wii games have motion controls; sucky motion controls. That’s just not the case. Most of my favorite Wii games, including Little King’s Story, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, No More Heroes 2, Monster Hunter Tri, Trauma Team, and many others, make motion controls optional, or don’t use them at all.
I’m glad to see that The Last Story may also bucking the “all Wii games are motion controlled” notion. It looks like we’re finally on our way to a time when the PS3’s, the Xbox 360’s, and the Wii’s motion controlled games are hated equally. I do love me some equality.
The Last Story – more details (various options, Nintendo involvement, more videos coming) [GoNintendo]