Fellas, don’t you wish your fighting games could cut back on the testosterone levels every once in a while, and pump up the pretty lady action? Capcom might not quite be there yet, but they sure like to tease the idea with the e-Capcom exclusive, preorder bonus for the Playstation Vita release of Street Fighter X Tekken. Japanese gamers that get in early orders from e-retailer, will be gifted three different game jackets –featuring the lovely ladies of the cross over fighter.
I tend to not be too excited by packaging, and since the Vita cards are so small, I just never see the boxes again. These sleeves are pretty cute though, but I’d really prefer a little poster or sticker instead. It’s pretty cool that they chose three totally different art styles to suit various tastes. Also, not to be biased in any way, but… What the heck is Poison doing in the pic? Street Fighter X Tekken will be released in Japan on October 25th, stateside on 23rd, and in Europe on the 19th.
Street Fighter x Capcom Girls Edition Covers for e-Capcom Buyers [Andriasang]