The Jimquisition: Host migration or THE TERRORISTS WIN!

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This episode is what I would call "getting into the swing of things." It's the best editing work I've ever done, it's got a good mix of silliness and serious business, and it doesn't look like it was cobbled together by a monkey with cataracts.

In short, this is my favorite episode yet. Do let me know what you think of the picture-in-picture deal. I've been meaning to try it out. 

Today I talk to you about a recent bugbear of mine, host migration, and the fact that it's absolute bullshit that it's not the standard for online console multiplayer. Hopefully you will be inspired by my words and carry the video's closing mantra in your hearts forevermore. Let us fight the good fight in the name of host migration!

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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