The GamesMaster sadly passed away

Sir Patrick Moore dead at age 89

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For those growing up in Europe and old enough to remember, GamesMaster was an absolutely awesome show with cheesy screen effects and crazy kids being dealt gaming challenges in order to get their hands on the coveted golden joystick prize. In the midst of this madness was the GamesMaster, the all-knowing oracle of gaming played by Sir Patrick Moore, who would quip sarcastically at children as they just wanted to know how to get lots of blood in Mortal Kombat.

Sadly, BBC reports today that Sir Moore peacefully passed away at the age of 89. He was the longest running show host in history with his program The Sky at Night and a famous astronomer and well-liked media personality in the UK. But for me, he will always be the GamesMaster.

Rest in peace, good sir. May you aid God in finally beating TMNT on the NES with your grand wisdom.

About The Author
Audun Sorlie
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