The difference between Cruis’n for the Wii and Cruis’n USA for the N64

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We all know the whole “The Wii is two GameCubes duct taped together” joke. Well, after watching this video, I can’t help but think maybe the Wii is more like a GameCube nailed to a Nintendo 64. Cruis’n USA wasn’t the best racing game ever made, but it was one of the funniest games someone could own when the N64 launched. Cruis’n recently made a comeback on the Wii, but it seems like the developer really didn’t try that hard. The only difference I can really tell is that the Wii version used real half naked women in the game as apposed the N64’s digital whores.

All joking aside, we know that the Wii can put out far better graphics than what we’re seeing here. This is just the result of a developer being extremely lazy and rushing out a game to make a quick buck. If you really need a Cruis’n game, then just wait and pray that the N64 version makes it to the Virtual Console.

Also, I’ve completely forgotten how ridiculous Cruis’n USA was. From the music that sounds like a girl is trying out anal for the first time, to being able to smash into a school bus with screaming children, this game is a classic.

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Hamza Aziz
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