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Destructoid is an active community online and offline. Our “GAME NARPS” (which stands for No Apparent Reason Party) are organized by Dtoiders in various cities all around the world. Add the Dtoid City Group to your friend list to start receiving updates or start one of your own! If any of you are interested in heading something like this up for any cities, drop me an e-mail and we’ll help you find Dtoiders in your city.
- Dtoid Austin
- Dtoid Australia
- Dtoid BaltimoreDC
- Dtoid Belgium
- Dtoid Chicago
- Dtoid Cincinnati
- Dtoid Denver
- Dtoid Orlando
- Dtoid LosAngeles
- Dtoid Miami Beach
- Dtoid NewEngland
- Dtoid NewYork
- Dtoid NorthCarolina
- Dtoid Portland
- Dtoid SanFrancisco
- Dtoid Seattle-Vancouver
- Dtoid Toronto
- Dtoid UnitedKingdom
[Special thanks to DJDuffy, Buck F1tches, Tazar, Snaileb, Krypitinite, Samit, power-glove, Phist, Coonskin, Tactix, and Y0j1mb0 for working on the newly debuted groups and to bleep for making all the banners for the NARP groups.]