The Destructoid Comic: Those left behind

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Previously on the Destructoid Comic:

CyberneticTigerZ bravely steps out of the broom closet that he, Jim, RetroforceGO! and the Failcast crew were holed up in to check that the coast is clear. Suddenly, the roof caves in. Looking up he sees the glowing red eyes of the Destructor-toid staring down, it’s huge metal hand reaching toward him. The hand comes crashing down appearing to crush CTZ. Luckily, CTZ’s armour is designed to withstand such pressure and he survives, though much of his Cyber Organic Tiger Shark suit is damaged. CTZ is less than pleased. Jim, RetroforceGO! and the Failcast believe CTZ to have been killed.

The comment that pushed the story along this time was Necros!

Shit just got real.

My thoughts:

Topher’s Ikaruga is still crucial to stopping the giant menace, but it still needs that Dreamcast from Goodwill. However, the robot has found the underground safehouse because of Ashley’s reckless playing, so the Dtoid crew is in trouble. Hamza and Jim break off to fight the Destructor-toid head-on so that RetroforceGO! can proceed to Goodwill. The Failcast crew stays behind at the safehouse to fend off the zombies so that they are not followed.

Kind of dry, but it’ll move the story along (resolving RFGO’s goal from several months ago), and it also works with other suggestions for Hamza that are far more descriptive and imaginative than mine.

I thought it was best to re-aim everyone towards the goal of the Dreamcast, before we forget what’s happening.

1. You have 24 hours from the time this blog was posted to suggest what happens next.

2. Try to keep it relatively SFW.

3. You can only make a suggestion once per week.

4. Your suggestion has to fit on one page (although I will occasionally stretch it to two pages).

How will Niero escape from the clutches of Tom Jackson? Will Anthony realise that his sister is playing an actual murder simulator? Will CTZ be okay as he faces the Destructor-toid alone?

Page #1: When it rains, it pours
Page #2: Enter … THE SHARK!
Page #3: The plot thickens!
Page #4: Annnnnnd welcome!
Page #5: Revenge of the Red Rings
Page #6: Time to formulate a plan
Page #7 + #8: The Long Way Round
Page #9 + #10: Compulsory underground level
Page #11 + #12: Run or shoot?
Page #13: HAWP to it
Page #14 + #15: Mandatory monologue
Page #16 + #17 + #18: Face to face

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