About three hours ago, a giant, skyscraper sized robot crash landed in the center of Destructoid City and began to flatten everything in it’s way. Along with it came it’s foot soldiers, the Red Ring Zombies, faulty Xbox 360s rewired to become ruthless killing machines. Jim Sterling, paired up with CyberneticTigerZ, attempt to stop the giant automaton, known only as the Destructor-toid, but realize that this is a battle they won’t be able to win alone.
CTZ calls in the Retroforce GO! team and decide that the best plan of attack is to use Topher “Hi-Score” Cantler’s ship, the Ikaruga, to take the beast down.
As usual in these sorts of situations, there’s a hitch. The Ikaruga is grounded. A vital engine component, a Sega Dreamcast, is damaged and a new one is needed. Knowing of a Goodwill a couple of blocks away, Topher believes it will be safer to travel along the subway lines, out of the way of the Red Ringers that roam the streets.
However, underground may not have been as safe as he thought. More after the jump.
Winning comment was Madninja! With:
Necros leads the Dtoid crew through the subways running from a huge mob of zombies until everyone piles in the safe room, having trouble because of the amount of people in the same room. There people get weapons and reload on ammo while Necros tells people about the situation in the subway and how the Failcast crew, unofficial, escort people though the subway. The characters see King as Francis, Hito as Bill, but then when they get to Yashoki assuming he will be Louis you see Madninja as Louis. Failcasts first guest. Everyone looking confused, the last panel shows Yashoki as a turned Witch
I tried to keep it as faithful as I could to the comment, and hopefully I actually drew the correct members of Failcast as requested. I did draw the correct members didn’t I? Please say I did.
1. You have 24 hours from the time this blog was posted to suggest what happens next. After that, I’ll choose the winning comment and the page will then be posted the following week.
2. Try to keep it relatively SFW.
3. You can only make a suggestion once per week.
4. Your suggestion has to fit on one page (although I will occasionally stretch it to two pages).
So where to from here? Where’s Niero? Who’s behind the the Destructor-toid? What about the Burch siblings?
Previous pages:
Page #1: When it rains, it pours
Page #2: Enter … THE SHARK!
Page #3: The plot thickens!
Page #4: Annnnnnd welcome!
Page #5: Revenge of the Red Rings
Page #6: Time to formulate a plan
Page #7 + #8: The Long Way Round
Page #9 + #10: Compulsory underground level