The Destructoid Comic: A new challenger appears!

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Previously on the Destructoid Comic:

It seems like an eternity since our heroes set about on their quest to retrieve a Dreamcast from the Goodwill store, needed to repair the Ikaruga. They have fought through the night against sentient consoles and deadly troll zombies, all while keeping undercover, away from the giant, metal behemoth, the Destructor-toid. Unwittingly controlled by young Ashley Burch, The Destructor-toid has destroyed much of the city, and nothing has come close to stopping it.

That is… until now.

These few pages weren’t based off any comments, they’re based off a dream I had. I just HAD to illustrate it. I’ve been having a lot of Destructoid dreams lately, actually. Another involved Hamza, Stella and some chicken (It should be noted that I don’t often dream about muscle-bound,bare-chested men, this was a one off. At least, I hope it was.).

Apologies for stealing the story away. Now it’s back to you, push the story forward in the way you see fit!

1. Suggest what happens next!

2. Try to keep it relatively SFW.

3. You can only make a suggestion once per week.

4. Try to fit the suggestion on one page, although most of the time I will stretch it to two pages… sometimes even three!

Is this finally the end for the Destructor-toid? Is it’s reign of terror finally over? Or does Tom Jackson have something else up his sleeve?

Page #1: When it rains, it pours
Page #2: Enter … THE SHARK!
Page #3: The plot thickens!
Page #4: Annnnnnd welcome!
Page #5: Revenge of the Red Rings
Page #6: Time to formulate a plan
Page #7 + #8: The Long Way Round
Page #9 + #10: Compulsory underground level
Page #11 + #12: Run or shoot?
Page #13: HAWP to it
Page #14 + #15: Mandatory monologue
Page #16 + #17 + #18: Face to face
Page #19 + #20: Those left behind
Page #21 + #22: Goodwill hunting

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