The Burnout Paradise ‘Cops and Robbers Pack’ gets priced

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This is my last post about the “Cops and Robbers Pack” for Burnout Paradise, I swear! The downloadable content has been priced recently (and dated a while back, actually), which is kind of important.

Look, I’m no angel, but doing a bunch of news posts about something only to cease talking about it at the very end would be a total dick move, and that’s not how we roll … usually. The “Cops and Robbers” DLC will be up on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network starting on April 30, and it’s going to cost you 800 MS Points/$9.99.

With one new mode and 33 Paradise City Police Department cruisers, I’m not entirely sure what to think about the pricing. From the outside, it doesn’t seem like a whole lot of content, but a great amount of work was put into giving the familiar Burnout Paradise rides a police-style makeover, and the Cops and Robbers mode could have more longevity than I’m giving it credit for.

Perhaps this is one of those scenarios where you need to wait it out and see what your friends think before taking the plunge.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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