The exotic class item in Destiny 2 is a very unique exotic. While it’s restricted to the Prismatic subclass, the ability to wield a trait from two separate exotics is a game-changer and can make certain Prismatic builds.
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However, not all the perk combos are great, while others are a cut above the rest. Here are the best exotic class item rolls in Destiny 2.
The best perk combos for all exotic class items in Destiny 2

It’s important to note that while these combos are the best, you can’t just slap them on and completely transform your gameplay. Some perks either require a certain build or a certain playstyle to use effectively, so be sure to tailor things around your exotic class item to get maximum value. With that out of the way, let’s have a look at Warlocks.
Best Warlock exotic class item combos
- Spirit of the Inmost Light + Spirit of the Star-Eater
- This build requires some timing on your abilities but makes for a great setup if you’re using Needlestorm as your Prismatic ult. The increased damage to it, along with increased ability damage when weaving abilities between each other, benefits your ability setup massively.
- Spirit of Osmiomancy + Spirit of Verity
- It’s hard to beat a combo like this. Osmiomancy gives you faster grenade energy, while Verity grans increased grenade energy with the conditions met. This means you’ll be tossing out grenades like candy and doing major area damage with them.
- Spirit of the Ophidian + Spirit of the Claw
- If you’re a PvP player, this combo will get you the most value by far. Having your weapons ready much faster, plus gaining that extra melee charge, can matter a lot in moment-to-moment gameplay. Ideally, you want to run this with mods or an exotic that buff your melee damage to some extent.
Best Hunter exotic class item combos
- Spirit of the Assassin + Spirit of the Wormhusk
- While you probably shouldn’t bring this combo into end-game content, it sure is fun. Simply finish or melee an enemy to go invisible when you’re hurt, then dodge to get health and shields back so you can repeat the process. If you have something to improve class ability regeneration, it’ll work wonders.
- Spirit of the Dragon + Spirit of the Coyote
- This combo has more value in PvP than PvE but can be very enjoyable to use in either. Once you’ve emptied a mag, dodge to get it reloaded and keep on firing. Then do it again, and again, and again. Frankly, if you’re pressing the reload key with this combo, you’re probably doing something wrong.
- Spirit of Renewal + Spirit of the Cytarachne
- This is an oddly successful combo, letting you get some insane damage reduction. Run yourself the Duskfield Grenade and throw it at your feet to get both the damage reduction from it and Woven Mail. For GM content, an on-demand amount of massive damage reduction can be the difference between living and restarting.
- Spirit of Galanor + Spirit of the Star-Eater
- You should only run this build if you’re using the Shadowshot ult. With this, you’ll want to build up stacks of Star-Eater, throw out your Shadowshot into a crowd, and go to town. This will farm up a ton of super energy, letting you fire Shadowshot again. That way, you’re getting constant damage across an entire room of enemies.
Best Titan exotic class item combos
- Spirit of the Assassin + Spirit of the Synthoceps
- Have you ever played Titan but wanted to be a Hunter at the same time? Then this combo is the setup for you. Every powered melee you get will grant invisibility while being surrounded increases melee damage. You’re like a big, bulky assassin skulking in the shadows. You can also swap Assassin with Spirit of Severance if you want more area damage instead, but that’s no fun.
- Spirit of the Inmost Light + Spirit of the Star-Eater
- This combo is similarly strong to its power on Warlock but is aided by the immense power of melee on Titan. With some careful timing and weaving of abilities, you can swing at enemies all day with increased regeneration and power. Running this with the Bladefury ult is advised since it’ll get a massive amount of damage from Star-Eater. However, Twilight Arsenal can be great too.
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Published: Aug 16, 2024 12:14 pm