TGS 2007: Tecmo media party

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Tecmo threw a nice little shindig for members of the media, and Nick, Eliza, Florian, and I used our ninpo arts to work our way into the party.

Unlike the other parties we’ve attended this week, this was quite a bit more intimate — and by that I mean that we were all packed into two small rooms. While we’re still working on our official TGS ’07 party review extravaganza, we’ll say right off that this one wins the award for the most spilled beers. A DJ spun tunes (American Top 40?) while hired Japanese dancers broke it down. And, like clockwork, drunken Americans joined in the dancing fun. We knocked a few back, took photographs that will be perfect later for blackmail, watched attendees play Swing Golf Panya 2nd Shot! for Best Buy gift certificates, and bitched about how crowded the first public day of TGS was.

Tecmo did things Tecmo style, hiring girls in french maid outfits to bring us beers, shochu, and cocktails. At one point, Nick and I were in line for beer, and one of Tecmo’s finest mentioned that these girls are more than just maids, and that we should take advantage of that. We graciously accepted his advice on how to lick fingers and initiate erotic conversation with the maids, and then went about our business.

I was thoroughly entertained by Nick’s insistence that Japanese people do not understand the concept of buffet food. I think he’s just bitter because he always misses the food, and I remind him that “survival of the fittest” definitely applies. We’ll agree to disagree.

About The Author
Dale North
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